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Creatives in Conversation features Author Tara Maher presenting on "Everybody Editor: Finding and Owning Your Own Voice"

Everybody Editor: Finding and Owning Your Own Voice

Do you belong to a writer’s critique group, or five of them? Have you ever trusted a friend or a pro to edit your prose or poetry? If the answer if yes, you’ve probably been awarded suggestions that didn’t sit quite right. How do you know what to strike from your pages versus hold strong, and let your unique creativity sing? This session explores the concept of being true to your own voice in revision. 

About Tara Maher:

An author of women’s fiction, Tara Maher is an accomplished aviation insider who spent over fifteen years in two roles at a major US airline: Inflight Services Instructor and Flight Attendant. 

Before her sky days, Tara attended the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she skied, hiked and received her B.A. in Communication. Upon graduation, she spent a year abroad immersed in European culture, traveling extensively and haunting centuries old bookstores.

Though she no longer wears wings, Tara embraces her aviation days through her characters which are now embedded in her work, including her new blog that showcases the life of a flight attendant. She also employs the varied locations she lived in and visited. During her fly years, Tara was based in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Chicago and lived in and traveled to many other cities worldwide. She’s spent chunks of time in both Paris and in many locales in Asia, giving her a broad range of settings for her short stories and novels. 

Tara has settled in the North Shore of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan. There, she supports other authors through her commitment as an anthology Developmental Editor for Off Campus Writer’s Workshop of Chicago, where she’s served on the board. She also bolsters peers by partaking in events at the Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA) and belongs to several critique groups, one being multi-decade. She’s a lover of the sky and sea, chocolate and coffee and has a can-do, no grit, no pearl outlook. To find out more, contact

Event page for this event on Tara’s website is:

Images and photo courtesy of Tara Maher.