Antebellum Lives in Jeopardy

Interactive Exercise. Enjoy testing your knowledge and learning more about Antebellum Lives in Jeopardy and our nation during its antebellum years.

Instructions are below the Jeopardy board.

Antebellum Lives in Jeopardy

A free educational exercise; an interactive way to test your knowledge of antebellum America and topics found in Wild Conviction.

Here are instructions: 

1.     Choose your category, and answer with a question.

2.     Click on Reveal Correct Response or Spacebar in the upper right to get the answer.

If your answer is close to the answer given, you score the points designated!

3.     Record your points.

4.     Click on Continue or ESC in the upper left to return to the Jeopardy board.

5.     Enjoy testing your knowledge and learning more about Antebellum Lives in Jeopardy and our nation during its antebellum years.

NOTE: I created this interactive exercise using JeopardyLabs.

Thanks, JeopardyLabs!